January 29, 2016
Following a Dream Part II
It’s been four months since our Aveda Ambassador Monica Stevens —beauty blogger for her popular blog Mo Knows Hair— enrolled as a student at the Aveda Institute New York (AINY). Today we’re checking in with Monica to hear about her experience so far. Living Aveda: You’ve been attending the Aveda Institute in New York City…
January 26, 2016
Hair How To: Straight to Shine
When it comes to hair, there’s nothing as luxuriously wonderful as soft and silky strands, like the smooth style seen here on Elin, from our Fall/Winter 2015 Collection: Sublime Spirit. Certainly appearing regal wearing an elaborate headdress and breathtaking gown, Elin’s hair is modern and easy to create for an every day look. Thanks to…
January 22, 2016
Lasting Locks
When we introduced Shampure™ Dry Shampoo this fall we couldn’t have predicted the enthusiasm it would stir up with guests and stylists. Fans applauded its aroma, while loving how the natural powders absorb hair’s excess oils and impurities. And to top it off, they were wowed by how it instantly revived their styles with a…
January 19, 2016
Sought After Solitude: Tips For A Silent Salon Service
We’ve all been there. Had that stressful day when all we want is an evening of peace and quiet, but we’re also due at the salon for another much-needed essential — a hair color refresh. The idea of relaxing at the salon sounds lovely, but mustering up the energy to catch up with our favorite…
January 15, 2016
Hair How To: Rock N’ Roll Chic
“The look of the moment is all about rock n’ roll hair,” said Aveda Global Creative Director, Antoinette Beenders who created rocker girl hair for the showing of the Stella McCartney Pre-Fall 2016 Collection this week. Long locks with a “fluffy little kink” in the hair, alongside fan-girl curls took over the show held at…
January 12, 2016
5 MINUTES WITH: Aveda Artist Bea Watson
With a new year, come new adventures for Living Aveda. One of our new series, “5 Minutes With,” features Aveda Artists throughout the world who inspire us daily, and who we believe you’d love to know more about. Bea Watson, Global Educator, Hair Styling is one of them. With an impressive beauty career that spans…
January 8, 2016
Express Yourself: New Year, New You
In the blink of an eye, our personal style can let people know who we are and what we stand for. So creating a distinctive look can feel like a big decision, especially with so many fresh new trends continually emerging. The good news is that our Aveda Artists are chock full of personal style,…
January 5, 2016
Hair How To: Romantic Symmetrical Waves
Our opulent hair and makeup collection, Sublime Spirit, celebrates gloriously grand looks inspired from iconic painted portraits throughout the eras, and remodels them in marvelously modern ways. One of our favorites features Renaissance era symmetrical waves, the very essence of romance. Here, Antoinette Beenders, Aveda Global Creative Director, reveals the steps to create this look:…
January 1, 2016
Resolutions: 7 Beauty Superstars You Should Follow in 2016
A few of our favorite Aveda Artists and friends reveal their New Year’s resolutions, and their words are as inspiring as their Instagram accounts. We share those with you here, and reveal why they are the ones to follow in 2016. IAN MICHAEL BLACK Aveda Global Artistic Director, Hair Color Insta: @ianmichaelblack Ian’s resolution: “To…
December 29, 2015
As we enter the New Year we often think about change and resolutions. You may consider enhancing your life with a life-changing resolution or maybe it’s a simple decision to take better care of your hair or skin. To help you make the latter, we’ve compiled a list of the Aveda must-have favorites of 2015,…