Our Beauty School Blog | Aveda Institute Las Vegas
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What Can I Do With a Cosmetology License?

Studying cosmetology can be a great way to express your creativity, learn practical skills, and pursue your passion for beauty. While you might think the only career opportunities exist in traditional salons, think again! There are a wide variety of opportunities that could begin with a cosmetology license and our Cosmetology Program can

Aveda school sign, exterior, daytime

Where Can You Find Aveda?

Aveda is a global brand with a mission. Aveda pros are out there, across the world, making a difference in one way or another. Here are a few places you can find us that you may have not known before! In the Fashion World New York Fashion Week That’s right. Aveda stylists are making waves in

hairstylist doing brides hair

Defining Cosmetology

When you hear the word ‘cosmetologist’ what do you think of? What about ‘hair stylist’ or ‘beautician’? The truth is, cosmetologists are both hair stylists and beauticians (though we haven’t heard that one from anyone without a perm in a long time). That’s not all either, cosmetologists can hold a variety of job


Aveda is a global industry leader that has a complete education system with dedicated programs for the latest techniques and trends in hairstyling and salon business development to make sure that you are always on top of your game in this industry.